Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I view and buy Kinderfeets products in store?
To view our range of Kinderfeets products in person and try out display models, you might like to visit one of our retailers. Check out our Store Locator to find the retailer closest to you. You can also purchase Kinderfeets products through our website.
How soon after purchasing can I expect to receive my Kinderfeets product?
Please see our Shipping information page for more details.
Do Kinderfeets products require maintenance?
The best way to ensure low maintenance and long-lasting use of your Kinderfeets products is to store them indoors. While the lacquer coating on the wood adds a layer of protection, this is not enough to withstand extended exposure to weather elements. After a rainy ride, it is advisable to wipe the bikes dry before storing in a cool, dry place. Bolts may loosen over time from use, so it is a good idea to check these. Please note that a warranty may be voided if maintenance recommendations are not followed.
How will Kinderfeets products help my child develop?
Kinderfeets’ active toys offer a range of developmental benefits for young children. Core skills such as coordination, balance, and maneuverability are promoted through our balance bike and balance board products, supporting children in their development of gross motor skills and general confidence. Your child's fine motor skills and cognitive, social, and language development is also encouraged through our wooden learning toys. The creative applications that can be discovered through explorative play are endless, inspiring your child into a lifetime of active and imaginative learning.
What makes Kinderfeets a sustainable company?
Kinderfeets products are made using fast-growing bamboo, eco-friendly birch wood, and FSC-certified German beechwood. These materials are extremely sustainable when compared with regular hardwood timber, which takes 30–50 years to mature and is often maintained and stimulated with toxic chemicals and artificial pesticides. Bamboo, on the other hand, is produced free of harmful substances, will grow to maturity in just 3–5 years, can self-regenerate, and has many additional environmental benefits, such as producing higher levels of oxygen than trees and absorbing more carbon dioxide. Other safe and sustainable materials we use include water-based paints and lacquers, non-toxic glue, and recycled paper for product information. We also use biodegradable tyres on our bikes and minimal packaging to reduce waste.
Furthermore, we are proud to partner with Trees for the Future – a non-profit organisation that, with the support of businesses like us, plants trees to combat deforestation. Part of our annual profits is put towards the work they do in ensuring our planet remains a green, healthy, and beautiful place for future generations.
The first wooden balance board to be patented was made in the 1950s. Over the decades following, they were popularized in Waldorf and Montessori schools as a multipurpose toy, due to their ability to support and extend cognitive and physical development of young children. Incredibly versatile, balance boards have been increasingly utilized for a range of other functions, such as fitness, meditation, or physiotherapy exercises, and even agility training for surfers, skaters or snowboarders. Our Kinderboard has undergone a transformation into a modern and sustainable design, created by Kinderfeets with highly durable bamboo for modern day kids, families, preschools, yoga studios and the like.
What is the difference between TINY TOT and TINY TOT PLUS?
The main difference between these two balance bike models is their size. Both bikes have the same features, including the ability to convert from a three-wheeled trike to a two-wheeled balance bike for quickly graduating riders.
What happens if my child’s Kinderfeets product needs a replacement part or breaks?
If your product needs a replacement part to lengthen its life, please visit the 'Replacement Parts' section from the Collections menu to place an order for the part that you need. If you have any issues with a product within the one-year warranty period, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help you.
I am a North American retailer and want to talk about stocking Kinderfeets. How do I go about doing so?
Contact Us through our website and be sure to express your interest. We would love to hear from you!